

"Thinking" - AI-art prose in the style of Austrian novelist Thomas Bernhard. #poetry #AI

♬ original sound - steve • digital

In the theatre of his mind, he was the playwright, director, and actor all at once, scripting and performing scenes that unfolded in a vivid array of thoughts and imaginings. Recollections came to him first, each a constellation of emotional imprints and vivid imagery, weaving stories only he could perceive. His childhood, a tapestry of joyous laughter and bitter tears, played out like a timeless cinema. Every moment was as clear as a mountain stream, each word spoken and sensation felt engraved with crystal clarity into the fabric of his being. The smell of rain-drenched earth, the prickling chill of a winter breeze, and the gentle whisper of a lover's promise, all existed in the recesses of his mind, called forth to dance in the limelight of his introspection. In the next instant, he plunged into the realms of tomorrow, an explorer charting the vast and ever-shifting seascape of possibilities. His mind shimmered with potential futures, each a different melody played out in the orchestra of life. From the mundane to the extraordinary, from the joyous to the sorrowful, his future spread out before him, not as a foregone conclusion but as a symphony of potentialities that sparked and sizzled at the edges of his thoughts. These soothsayer-like ponderings gave way to philosophical contemplations, intricate labyrinths of thought that wound and twisted, echoing with echoes of thought-provoking queries. Who am I? Why am I here? What does it mean to live, to exist, to be? He navigated these corridors of introspection with the grace of a seasoned voyager, unafraid of the daunting complexity of the human mind. He dived deeper still, into the heart of his subconscious, where the rawest, most primal of his thoughts resided. He sifted through this cacophonous symphony of instincts, fears, and desires, each pulse of thought a testament to the kaleidoscopic diversity of human emotion. Amid the whirlpool of his mental journey, a peaceful stillness emerged a refuge of tranquility amidst the constant flow of thoughts. Here, he found himself in his most elemental state, stripped of pretense and complexity, the essence of his being laid bare. It was here, in this undisturbed sanctuary of his mind, that he discovered a profound peace, a reassuring solace that underscored the impermanence of his troubles, his fears, and his desires. Regardless of the maelstrom of his thoughts, he recognized an enduring truth - in the midst of the chaos, he was unchangeably, indomitably, irrevocably himself.

Write a story about a man who is thinking. Do not describe the man. Do not describe the environment. Do not describe what the man sees. Only describe what the man is thinking. Don't use chapters. Don't use breaks of any kind, only write one very long paragraph. GPT-4

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