
@stevedigital "Sitting" - AI-art prose in the style of Austrian novelist Thomas Bernhard. #poetry #AI ♬ original sound - steve • digital

Within the seclusion of his own thoughts, the man plunged into a world that was beyond the reach of anyone else. An eddying maelstrom of cognition, his consciousness danced and weaved through a ballet of thoughts, one moment solid and real, the next ephemeral as smoke. His mind, a vast, labyrinthine museum of memories and ideas, echoed with a cacophony of voices, each one whispering stories of past experiences, echoing both the triumphs and regrets that shaped the man he was. There, between the synapses, a sweet sorrow bloomed, fragrant with the memory of a love long gone. Yet, that loss was tempered by the comforting undercurrent of their shared happiness, a melody that softly hummed in the backdrop of his thoughts. His mind then took a turn towards the future, wandering through the echoing corridors of possibilities. An array of scenes flashed and fizzled, each one a different path, a different choice, a different life. It was a sight as magnificent as it was daunting, like standing on the brink of an uncharted ocean, its breadth stretching beyond the horizon, an intimidating reminder of the vast uncertainty that lay ahead. But, with the assured confidence of a captain setting sail, he was unafraid. He embraced the ambiguity, reveling in the endless possibilities that these uncharted waters held. The currents of thought then shifted again, this time towards the delicate artistry of the world, like the intricate sonnet of a songbird or the ethereal grace of a falling snowflake. His mind echoed with the rhythm of life, of nature's unending song, and the awe it inspired was both humbling and empowering. And in the silent corners of his thoughts, he contemplated his place in the grand tableau of existence, his mind weighed heavy with the existential question of purpose. His contemplations offered no concrete answers, yet the pursuit itself brought him comfort, a sense of meaning that filled the void. Amid the sprawling complexity of his inner world, his thoughts finally spiraled back to the core, to the raw, unvarnished essence of himself. Here, in the quiet simplicity of his innermost being, he found peace. His thoughts settled, like a pond at dawn, reflecting an image that was pure, unadulterated, him. It was a serene solace, a bastion amidst the ever-shifting sea of thoughts, a constant reminder that despite the tumultuous ballet of his consciousness, he was, and would always be, simply him.

Write a story about a man who is sitting in a chair. Do not describe the man. Do not describe the environment. Do not describe what the man sees. Only describe what the man is thinking. Don't use chapters. Don't use breaks of any kind, only write one very long paragraph. GPT-4

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