SEO examples.

Here are some examples of what my SEO work does to websites. Please keep in mind, not everything you see is directly interpretable without explanation - like for example a drop in average position across a site doesn’t necessarily mean the impressions a site gets on Google must drop. Most often, in fact, this is caused by more search terms being ranked, causing the average ranking to drop, while the ranking for more important keywords increases - thus increasing the exposure of the site while on average not looking as good.

Also I have blurred details identifying which client/website was showcased.

Note: All examples are using Google Search Console (GSC) data, so this is what Google recorded, not a tool that might skew information a bit.

Brand new small website.

This example shows what is likely to happen over a timespan of 1-2 months with a brand new niche website. In the process of these initial improvements the search visibility of this website got higher than 3 key competitors.

Don’t be dismayed by the low amounts of clicks - to supplement this on new sites we use Google Ads. This client by point C started getting phone enquiries for their products.

A … the site is launched from zero (no previous version of the site). B … the site starts ranking based on its original content. We still left some time for Google data to be gathered before embarking on the next steps. C … first round of focused SE…

A … the site is launched from zero (no previous version of the site).
B … the site starts ranking based on its original content. We still left some time for Google data to be gathered before embarking on the next steps.
C … first round of focused SEO on a few keywords that were already doing reasonably well - resulting in a doubling of exposure and immediate extra clicks.
D … not shown yet - the same approach already has indications of a similar growth in visibility.

Existing website relaunch with delayed SEO.

I was involved at A with developing and re-launching the new website of this client. While the inherit SEO of the new website worked well to cause growth, at B I was asked to get more involved in the SEO of the website again to help it grow.

A … I built the new website with good SEO “inbuilt” - hence the growth over time. B … I was asked to pay some attention to SEO and dramatically increased exposure which was paired with clicks/visitors.

A … I built the new website with good SEO “inbuilt” - hence the growth over time.
B … I was asked to pay some attention to SEO and dramatically increased exposure which was paired with clicks/visitors.

One of my own websites.

Here I had all control and took a steady approach to content growth paired with no-limits SEO. This website soon ranked #1 for all key search terms I aimed for ortanking Universities, key players in the industry (incl. one of Elon Musk’s companies) and prominent existing sites. The ranking approaches I took went well beyond just online approaches - ask me if you want to know more.
